Thursday, September 15, 2005

I think, therefore I exist...

There is one thing that everything on earth has in common: Being.

we are made up of the same stuff that a rock is made of, or a tree or a blade of grass, the difference is only physical.

What is that thing that puts together all that mass of atoms and sub-atomic particles? Furthermore, howcome all of this tiny bits of matter join together to form simple to highly more complicated molecules? How is it that life comes out of this in the shape of cells that are the simplest unit of every living organism?

There is an advanced intelligence principle beyond what we can see or preceive as simple observers. It has always been a matter of philosophical discussions since old ages, and even now it is still a subject of study for science, philosophy and even theology.

But the most interesting thing is what each one of us may think of it as individuals. As an old teacher from high school used to say “¿Y Usted que piensa? ¿O no piensa?”


At 11/10/2005 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dios nos creo asi. El puso al hombre en el mundo para que fuese superior por sobre todo el resto de la creacion.
Somos su creacion favorita, por eso nos ama tanto y tiene cuidado de nosotros.
No tiene vuelta de hoja, no es necesario tanto tratado de teologia, ni antropologia ni historia para darte cuenta del verdadero significado de la creacion. Solo lee el Genesis.
Piensa en ello...


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