Sunday, May 28, 2006


We are a product of balance and equilibrium. Have you ever noticed how fragile life is? Just think of what would happen to any of the little plants inside your house if you'd suddenly stop watering them. They wouldn't survive for too long if you forget about them at all. What would happen if you'd let them out in your patio exposed to the hot summer sun rays or the cold winter frost?

They are alive because they have learned to live in the environment that surronds them, which in a way keeps some sort of equilibrium: stable range of temperatures, enough water, good soil, care from you, etc. The effects of a disrumption to this equilibrium is a no-brainer.

I think that the same principle applies to us humans as another form of life in this planet. How could we be an exception? Life in this planet has adapted through thousands of years to the conditions that surrond it. That's evolution. However drastic changes, let's say for instance on the weather, could be catastrophic is they are beyond what we and the other forms of life can stand.

Any disruption to this equilibrium will definitively have important effects on us. Let's be consciuos of it and value what we have. There is no warranty that it will always be like this.