Sunday, April 17, 2005


We stayed at home the whole day. Silvia my wife has been feeling sick with a weird pain under her belly bottom, and Raúl & Eddy have been sick since thursday vomiting apparently with no reason. I guess they had something like that just last year during the change of seasson, it might be a virus out in the air or something like that. All I feel is just tired for these last sleepless nights.

Tomorrow a day of lot of activity awaits for me at work. I have a lot of things to do and maybe not enough time.

This weekend I drank more beer than in the last couple of months. It was my only relaxing delight during these last hard days. Usually I don't drink, but these past days I felt like drinking, and I don't have any regrets. I didn't get drunk, maybe that's why.

I edited for the internet a funny video of my Compadre Arnold on a pick-nick we had last week, which I will post on my website soon, it is hilarious. I hope he doesn't take it bad.

Well, this post will mark the end of the day for me. Good Night!


At 4/25/2005 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't take it bad, Compa. Just post it soon, ok? I just can't wait to watch it. You know, I've never been on the internet before. I'm gonna be famous!!!
See you soon.


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