We stayed at home the whole day. Silvia my wife has been feeling sick with a weird pain under her belly bottom, and Raúl & Eddy have been sick since thursday vomiting apparently with no reason. I guess they had something like that just last year during the change of seasson, it might be a virus out in the air or something like that. All I feel is just tired for these last sleepless nights.
Tomorrow a day of lot of activity awaits for me at work. I have a lot of things to do and maybe not enough time.
This weekend I drank more beer than in the last couple of months. It was my only relaxing delight during these last hard days. Usually I don't drink, but these past days I felt like drinking, and I don't have any regrets. I didn't get drunk, maybe that's why.I edited for the internet a funny video of my Compadre Arnold on a pick-nick we had last week, which I will post on my website soon, it is hilarious. I hope he doesn't take it bad.Well, this post will mark the end of the day for me. Good Night!
I love my children
Oh God!, Thank you for letting me be their father. Thanks for putting these kids on my hands to make good men out of them. Give me wisdom to teach them right, give me enough resources to make them grow up fine.Thank you for those moments when we are together and play along. Thank you for letting me be a good friend to them, thanks for all the happiness that we have.Give me courage to lead them through the difficulties of life. Give me common sense to be a good example for them. Teach me how and when to scold them so I don't spoil them with my love.
I have to finish...
Well, today is the due date I set to myself to finish this Quinceaños video. I don't care if I have to stay awake the whole night working to have it done. I must finish it today. It is my internal commitment.
Filming video-events is another way I have to make a living, I don't make too much but I really enjoy editing them on my computer. It is one of my favorite hobbies.
I like the idea of a family joined together at the TV room, watching a well-done job by me of a very meaningful event for them, as it may be the Sweet Fifteen party (in Mexico) of a daughter/sister, or the fabulous wedding of one of the grown up kids, or the baptism of a new family member, or anything significant. Fun and Happiness is what I think of when working on making the "movie", that home video that with time will become part of their most beloved memories. The idea of seing my clients happy gives me plenty of satisfaction. Actually I wouldn't charge anything to do it, but, if I can make some bucks and they are willing to pay, then there's a chance that we get into a perfect win-win situation.
Being Better
Who is the people that I like?I like the persons that smile to me, that make me feel comfortable, that hear first and don't interrupt, that laugh at my jokes, that fill up my need to be accepted, that are honest, and overall, those that respect me as I am.
This is particularly important because I believe that in order to receive you have to give first, and if I'm good to the others, the others will be good to me.
If I have this intent on my mind all the time there's a chance that I'll become a nicer person to the people around me, and this way I'll be contribuiting to make a better world. What do I have to lose?
Today I feel not too good about myself. There's important things that I should be looking at or taking actions, but I do nothing about it. These are relevant things related to my life, my family, my house, my job and so on.Why does it look that I don't care when in reality it worries me too much? What am I doing with my time? What am I doing then?
My frustration is huge.