Saturday, October 15, 2005

Just Thinking

Once again life shows up as a fragile treasure we all portray. The other day at work, while I was walking through the aisles among the huge plastic injection machines, a thought just crossed my mind with an impacting certainty. All of a sudden I had the terrible certainty that the only sure thing about living is that death will arrive. Since the very moment something or someone is born, it is condemned to die, sooner or later, young or at an old age.

No one lives forever, that's the way nature is.

So death is part of life as I see it, like another step every single living being on this earth has to go through, and it makes me wonder once again: What is beyond life and death?


At 11/10/2005 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Compa,
Buena reflexion, la muerte es lo unico seguro que tenemos en la vida.
La parte buena de esto, es que la vida es una preparacion para la vida eterna. La muerte es el nacimiento a nuestra futura vida en la Gloria de Dios, si es que has aceptado a Jesucristo como tu unico Señor y Salvador.
Como te comente anteriormente, en esta vida nos debemos preparar, debemos santificarnos, para entrar en la presencia de Dios a traves de la puerta que El nos ha ofrecido como un regalo, la salvacion por medio de su hijo Cristo Jesus.
Dios te bendiga.


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