Thursday, March 31, 2005


Not too long ago, when I was a teenager, I was deeply interested on spiritual and philosophycal matters.

In fact I've always been, but back then I was even more, you know, being single gives you plenty of time to keep your mind busy on whatever thing you want.

Today after reading a document that came to my hands suddenly I remembered the old days and realized that today I'm more worried about other things like making a living and sustaining a family than the spititual matters that used to fill up my mind in the past.

It would be good to put these thoughts on top of everything and make some use of them on my every day life. Hopefuly this will help me approach the purpose of my life on earth...

Monday, March 28, 2005

Another Question

Is it the same living 60 years in the country than 60 years in the city? I don't think so.

With all that time on your back, it makes a difference where and how you have spent most of your life. That's no secret, but right now I see it clear, as if I had never seen it before, even though it's been there all the time.

I think it takes an extra effort to arrive to the 60's healthy and vigorous if you live in the city. This effort means good diet habits, exercising, good sleep, keeping mentally active and not having any vice like smoking, drinking, or drugs.

Living in the country helps living healthier and less stressed, at least that's a pro that needs to be highlighted.

All this makes me ask to myself: Am I on the right way to the perfect sixties?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I wonder...

Yesterday I had an insight about the reality that I'm immersed within. It was very personal, so it's a little hard to describe it here.

I believe that Reality exists as is because that's how I perceive it through my senses. But, is it all? Are there more things than those I can perceive?

I'm sure there's a lot of people out there wondering the same questions, and someone may have some answers.

It would be interesting to gather every personal thought about this matter, religious, philosophical or scientific, and see how we coincide.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Vertedero Presa Las Virgenes
Vertedero Presa Las Virgenes
Rosales, Chihuahua July 2004

*Requires Real Player

Friday, March 18, 2005

In the Search for Power

From time to time, depending on my level of sensitivity, I can feel how people feed from my emotional energy (or whatever it is) and viceversa.

The amount of energy interchange increases with the intensity of the encounter. For instance, when there is a fight or verbal discussion, If I lose there's a weird sensation on my belly bottom like the feeling of having lost something. It's a phisical sensation as well as emotional.

If I'm winning I get a sensation of satisfaction and being stronger, capable of destroying my oponent. I find some pleasure on seeing him defeated.

Since I realized this, I try not to let anyone steal my energy if there is a harming intention, and I try not to take advantage of the people if I'm right on my point.

There's also energy interchange in all other encounters with the people we relate with as I mentioned on the beginning, and is up to us to make use of this knowledge for the benefit of both sides. Any relation consists of two halves. We are responsible only for the impeccability our half.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


I have been thinking about the importance of communication these last days. It can be as simple as spontaneously saying something nice (or bad) to someone or as complicated as writing a book. It can be done by e-mail, phone, radio, newspaper, tv, signs, internet, magazines, and so on. We all know that.

If I don't say anything about what is inside me, then no one will ever know about that.

If I'm making love to my wife and I don't tell her how much I love her and how good she makes me feel, then there is the risk of just having a mere sexual intercourse and not real love making.

If I'm depressed and not willing to talk, then there'll be hardly some one to help me leave out this state.

I may be the brightest man on earth but if I don't express it in any way my life will pass unnoticed, helplessly lost into oblivion.

If at work I don't share the critical information relevant to the business interests, then I will be like a broken gear inside a complicated machine that will have to be replaced. I will certainly lose my job.

We can learn a lot from communicating with other people and from any information on the media, even though there is a lot of misuse.

Personally I need to improve my communication skills...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

In Juárez

Last Friday we left for Juarez, it was late at night when we took off, and we drove for a little more than 3 hours.

As I was driving I was thinking about the many things that I have to do, the bills I have to pay, the more time to invest on my family.

Raul and Eduardo were peacefully sleeping trusting that their Daddy will get them safe through the rough road. Silvia was alert as always with one eye on the speedometer and another on the road signs, keeping the conversation fluid, all these at the same time. I was navigating through the darkness of the night with my mind full of thoughs.

We were heading to my Friend's home in Juarez planning to spend the whole weekend with him. We finally made it there safely at 2:00 am.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Ché Guevara

Sunday, March 06, 2005

As the day is comming to an end, I feel good about having a family. I am so proud of my children and my wife. They fill up my life with all of those things that could be listed in lots and lots of sheets of paper. Whoever is a father will understand what I mean.

Today in Mexico we celebrated for the first time the "Day of the Family" holiday, which will be celebrated from now on every first Sunday of March.

Today we woke up relatively early and invited my wife's family to have breakfast together at McDonalld's. It was her Mom & Dad, Sister, husband, their two girls, and her other Sister. We had a good time there. After that we went to that nice park we used to go to when we were dating. Then we went to my Mom's and had lunch there with my Sister as well.

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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Hello World!

It's good to be back home again. Life is teaching me in every little thing that shows in front of my eyes. I feel so thankful that God is everywhere and lets me perceive his omnipotence.