Tuesday, November 08, 2005


If you want something you can get it. All that has to be done is ask for it. If one never ask, then the possibility to get it dramatically drops down to near zero.

Let’s put as an example. Raúl, my 6-year-old son, wants me to put a video game on the computer, but he’s being shy and doesn’t tell me. Just by seeing him I know what he wants and that he’s being shy about it. I’m not going to put that game if he doesn’t ask because I want to encourage him to ask for what he wants, I mean, if I say “no” it won’t be the end of the world, but, if I say “yes” I’ll put it with no problem.

It’s like the time back when I was in high school and I was dying to date the most beautiful girl ever of the whole class. I never told her how much I liked her and that secretly I was in love with her. If I had ever told her about my feelings, she could have rejected me, or she could have at least turned her eyes to me, and if I had insisted maybe we could have been sweethearts. But that never happened because I simply never ask her to go out on a date.

It is the same if I want a pay rise. My boss won’t know that I need one if I don’t ask. He may even be happy that none of his employees ask for a pay rise. If I ask for it there is a chance that I get it. That chance is what makes the difference. Asking for something opens up an opportunity.

Let’s look at a beggar on the street, or a beggar on the public bus. He is taking advantage of that chance to get money by asking for it. Probably not everyone will give him money, but if just one single person gives him some spear change, then he'll make profits.

Praying is about the same. Praying is asking God for what we need. We have to pray a lot more, don't you think?

The bottom line here is: Ask for what you want and there is a possibility that you'll get it. Leave the fear and embarrassment feelings behind. DARE TO ASK.


At 11/10/2005 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right!
Nada se pierde con intentar.
Si logramos lo que queremos al pedir, es un exito.
Si no lo logramos, quedamos como estabamos en un principio, no hay perdida...


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