Monday, January 02, 2006


This is my first blog of the year. I feel good to start a new year. I hope this one will bring more satisfaction and joy into my life.

I have been reading about how we, as human beings, try to explain the so called reality of our everyday life. One comment in particular made me feel identified with. It stated that our brain keeps the information it gathers through our lives from what we learn in the form of a well organized matrix that we all use as a point of reference to interpret what we perceive through our senses for every single experience that we have. Such interpretations conform little by little our Surrounding Reality since the moment we are born.

We normally tend to judge every event with rules created from these interpretations, and even though everyone has its own point of view, there are common agreements regarding these interpretations that makes us share the "same" Reality and use the same rules.

Reality is a very personal experience for every single individual.

This is very interesting, and I guess you can see it when you visit places with a different culture. For instance, my personal habits as Mexican may look weird for a person who hasn't been around one, let's say, for example, a person from an isolated tribe in Mongolia. For him, I won't be behaving in a "normal" way compared to his customs, because he has not lived a similar experience before.

In situations like that, our tendency is to look for experiences closer to what we are living at the moment and come up with a rational explanation. However, that's just an interpretation from our mind, and the reality will turn out to be what the individual sees from his point of reference in a very personal way.

Something to think about, Don't you think?


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