Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Thought About Self-esteem

I am the sum of all that I think about myself regardless of what I want people to think about me. I am as successful as I want per the limitations that I impose to myself. I have not become all that I wanted because of my internal fears to fail. Why am I so frightened about failure? I don’t know exactly.

Having a solid self-esteem is part of the foundations that lead to succeed in life, because if you have it, the will to be the best can take you wherever you want, because you feel that you deserve it, because you love yourself and you reflect it.

The difficult thing is how to build it if you have a poor one. The other day I was on an electronics shop waiting to receive a work order to repair my videocamera, when suddenly a guy entered the place asking for money to buy something to eat, a “tortilla with salt”, he said. I had the impression that he didn’t love himself. It seemed to me that he was thinking that it was all that he was worth, that he only deserved a “tortilla with salt”. He didn’t have to be specific on what he wanted to buy with the money he’d get, but he emphasized it like saying “poor me, give me only enough to keep alive”. I hate it when people do that. I didn’t give him any money, he was young and good looking to be begging in the first place.

Anyway, this made me think that probably I behave like this guy but in a different level.


At 11/09/2005 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

osea que si te hubiera dicho "deme para ir al buffet" si le hubieras dado dinero? :P

que padre que ya estés escribiendo con más frecuencia ;)

At 11/10/2005 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Creo que lo que Lupe quiso decir es que esta persona que le pidio para una "tortilla con sal" no se ama a si mismo. En primer lugar como dijo Lupe, el tipo se veia saludable y fuerte como para andar pidiendo limosna. En segundo lugar, creo que deberia tener su estima mas alta como para no pedir limosna, sino para buscar un trabajo honesto.
El Señor nos ha puesto por cabeza y no por cola. El pedir limosna no representa un liderazgo para la familia.
Si no te amas a ti mismo, no puedes amar a los demas. Jesus nos mando a amar al projimo como a nosotros mismos. Si no nos amamos a nosotros mismos,...como podremos amar a los demas?
Ademas, si no amamos a nuestro projimo, al que vemos,...como podremos amar a Dios, a quien no vemos? Y a Dios lo debemos amar por sobre todas las cosas...Es como un circulo vicioso, no?

At 11/17/2005 4:24 PM, Blogger Juncal said...

Yo siempre he pensado que lo que más miedo me da en la vida es perder, perder un amigo, perder en algo que intento, fracasar, y no es un sentimiento superficial, quizá solo alguien que tema lo mismo puede saber a lo que me refiero, estoy volviendo poco a poco por estos lares, ha sido una epoca dificil, perdi muchas cosas.


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