Saturday, January 22, 2005

Here I go again

It's another Saturday. I'm at home alone again. Now is the time to let the mind loose as I drink this funny CHICHONA beers I bought at Ley's Store here in Chihuahua, cheap though. I may be drunk already :0)

Last week was very hard for me. I am going through an unfaithfulness situation here, when in fact I haven't been unfaithful at all. It's all a circumstance-blaming thing here that is spoiling my entire life at this moment. I hope I can get through this soon.

I know from the bottom of my heart that I am spotless, there's nothing I can be regretful of, I haven't sinned and God knows. Now I know the meaning of that well known phrase "it's not what it looks". Too bad it is happening to me now.


Take it as my advise to you now, believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Does time exist?

The other day I woke up in the middle of the night with a question on my mind. Does time really exist? As I started thinking about it, lots of concepts came from I don't know where. It was then that I decided to do some research on the internet.

Personally, I think that time doesn't exist. What does exist is the change of states, which we perceive and measure. Movement is a Change of State. When an object goes from point A to point B it is changing its location. Even in an object that seems to be stationary in space, its atoms and atomic sub-particles are moving at high speeds.

The current concept of time comes from astronomy and physics. Newton said that time existed independently of human mind and matter. In Science, time is a variable unit of measure that has a constant ratio to velocity. It is a scale based off the constant speed of movement of an object.

On the other hand at the same time Kant proposed that time was a human invention projected over its view of the universe.

On either case, what we perceive as time is just a concept, an invention of man to organize his life. We perceive it in a very subjective way: it is not the same spending one minute without breathing than one minute playing games. What we call time is the measurement of the constant transit of events that happen to an observed object, be it a plant growing, the change of seasons or the falling of a raindrop.

It is remarkable how we let a non-existing concept control our lives so much, and how it can be used to exert control on others.

Why English?

The answer to this question is the following:

I started my blog 3 weeks ago with the idea of doing it in spanish, but after reading other blogs randomly, I noticed that there's a lot of people all over the world posting their stuff too, some of them do it on their own language, but some others do it in english. I'm interested on what people from places like China or Slovenia have to say about what they think, and I really appreciate that they do so in english, otherwise I wouldn't understand.

I want that other people from different countries with interests like mine understand what I have to say. I want to receive input and comments to my blogs not only from the spanish speaking people, and english is really the universal language. I am positive that the people who speak spanish will understand what I write in english as well.

I love my own language, that's for sure, and I hate that some of my friends here in Chihuahua don't write well or don't know how to write even a short essay. I criticize the errors I find when reading to the newspaper. It makes me wonder how is it possible that a person whose job is to edit for such a mean of communication is not skilled on the language. It's like an offense to Spanish. I hope I'm making my point here: I love spanish (castilian), and the fact that I write in english is a mere thing of making my ideas to be understood by more people, period.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

A good weekend

I'm writting back after a couple days of not doing so. Saturday and Sunday have been of real relax for me. I finally had time for myself. For instance, I spent most of Saturday with my ass sat on a stool surfing the internet, my most delicious vice after sex.

Today Sunday I did pretty much the same, except that I watched a program on TV about an iraqi musician who spoke in french (his music was great). I also watched the movie "When Harry met Sally" on the cable, not too bad. I finished drinking that bottle of Cavernet Sauvignon that was on the fridge.

It's been two days since I don't take a shower and feel no regrets... tomorrow will be another day. I rendered a video I captured last june when we went to Presa Las Virgenes in Rosales Chihuahua. I will post it soon so people can see it.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


The beginning of a relation is relatively easy. When we approach people we certainly touch just the surface of their personalities. As the relation gets deeper it turns more complicated, thus we happen to know the other person better.

This way we make friends with the people we feel more identified with.

As time passes by and we interact with each other, we develop a stronger feeling from this involvement. Then we care for that one in a special way, and we feel good whenever we are near. This evolves to love. Of course there are exceptions, but right now I'm talking about only positive relations.

Learning to understand and tolerate people's differences is not an easy task. It takes a state of mind in which the self must remain receptive and open. Respect is an indispensable requirement.

I personally still have a lot to learn.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Paix et amour
sur terre
s'il vous plait

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Stop the World

There are days when I don't understand what's going on around me. It's like I'm here but my mind is somewhere else. When I perceive the world like this I get a feeling of being alone even though I'm surronded by people, as if the world were stopping.

I can't say that it is a good feeling, but it ain't bad either, it depends on what I think of. I usually get slow minded and don't get what people say, or if I do, I understand something different. I've found out that it may be frustrating for the person talking to me, specially my wife.

I get very thoughtful when on this mood, and think about lots of different things, like God, the meaning of life, my children, relations and involvement, time, love, the repercussion of my acts in the universe, etc. I could say that on these moments I listen to my inner self and the talk of God. Then I breath, get conscious that I'm alive, and come out of this trance with some sort of peace of mind.

Weird, isn't it?

Monday, January 10, 2005

In a rush...

Time seems to be speeding up. Why are so many people in such a hurry? What would cause this to be "just the way it is"? It seems a bit odd to me that everyday I am surrounded by so many people in such a hurry. For what?

I can't understand the need to live fast without a purpose. For instance, I don't mind spending more than an hour fixing a delicious dinner, while in the other hand there's people who would be on the limits of despair if they did so. I wonder what they do with the time they save by buying a fast food. Watching more TV? Lounging longer? Fixing a meal is just an example, but there is a lot of things we do in a hurry in our everyday life.

In my case I love doing things in a pace that allows me to enjoy what I do, that gives meaning to my life. It's like sex, you know, the slower the better. There's no need to hurry when you are enjoying life.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Visualízate como un triunfador

La imagen mental positiva de ti mismo realizará el prodigio de alcanzar logros sorprendentes. Retírate, cada noche, a visualizarte, durante media hora, realizando maravillosamente un propósito concreto. Graba en tu mente un vivo retrato triunfante de ti mismo. Mantén tenazmente ese retrato en tu imaginación. Si persistes en este ejercicio durante veintiún días, te sorprenderás del resultado positivo.

Imagina que eres capaz y créelo, pues de tu seguridad depende tu éxito.

Las imágenes son más impactantes que las sugestiones verbales.

The Family

It's sunday afternoon. We just came back from the theather after watching the movie "The Incredibles". My kids and I really enjoyed it, as well as my wife.

This movie makes me think about the family. From the time I lived in the US, I learned that the latino community has a well know reputation of having strong family ties. Here in Mexico we don't realize that because it is a normal everyday thing. I had to see the lack of this unity in a foreign country to value what we have. It's not that they don't have it at all, but it is a lot different from what us mexicans live and practice.

I feel very proud of our culture.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

What will happen with my life?

Today I woke up in the morning a little bit sleepy after staying late the previous night reading other people blogs. It's interesting to realize that there's many people out there stating that their lives are a mess, or that they don't know what will happen with their lives.

People are daring to express this secret confidently on their blogs trying to give an espape to the heavy load of living their own lives (I guess). I wonder why so many persons are holding these similar thoughts.

I remember that I went through this not too long ago, but as of today I feel alright.

I believe and trust in God. That helps me live my life. I know from within that nothing happens without a purpose, that in every situation there's something to learn and an opportunity to see that God is love, even in those events that we think are bad.

I don't consider myself a religious person, but the thought of God is always on my mind. I realize that I make of my life what it is, good or bad, and that God lets me do it in a very lovely way, as a father who cares for his son understanding that he has to go through a lot of things in order to become a better being.

Would this thought help other people as well? How other people have found a relief to this feeling? Is it a question that we all have on a certain stage of our lives?

Monday, January 03, 2005

Nos gusta la palabra siempre...

Nos alivia pensar que nuestros hijos vivirán durante toda nuestra vida, que los amigos estarán a nuestro lado hasta el final... que todos los embarazos llegarán a término, que todos los bebés nacerán sanos, y vivirán por muchos años.

Nos empeñamos en jurarnos amor para toda la vida, aún sabiendo que es sólo una expresión de deseos...

En el amor, como en la vida, los "siempre", los "para toda la vida", los "nunca", nos calman... nos eximen de pensar en lo peor, en la muerte, en los imprevistos, en el dolor, en la injusticia, en los imponderables...

Y cuando las cosas no salen como hubiéramos querido, siempre podemos culpar a Dios, al destino, a la mala suerte...

Lo cierto es que la vida se maneja bien distinto... nos sobresalta, nos confunde, nos enoja, nos cambia los planes, y cuando nos acostumbramos, nos lo vuelve a cambiar. Y que, a la larga, cuando miramos para atrás, cada cosa fue para mejor. Claro, si lo sabemos ver...

Tal vez debiéramos vivir con más entrega, con más ingenuidad, con menos exigencia... Tal vez debiéramos entender que las personas, las situaciones, están en nuestras vidas por algo, y que a veces la sutil presencia de otro es suficiente para un gran aprendizaje, para un gran cambio.

No son mejores las amistades que duran toda la vida, que aquellas que duran solamente unos días...

No son mejores las relaciones para siempre, que aquellas fugaces, que pueden cambiarnos la vida...
La intensidad no tiene relación con la permanencia en el tiempo...
Nada es para siempre, y cuando podamos comprender eso, entenderemos que cada momento vivido con alguien, cada instante sutil de la vida, tiene un mensaje para darnos, nos ocurre por algo, y que a veces bastan unos pocos segundos para captar el mensaje, y seguir nuestro camino, o dejar libre al otro para que siga el suyo...

Claro que es lindo tener amigos de toda la vida, relaciones intensas y duraderas. A veces tenemos el privilegio de contar con ellas. Pero otras veces, el roce es fugaz, casi imperceptible. A veces ni nos cuestionamos para qué tuvo que pasarnos esto en la vida.

He aprendido que cuando uno da lo mejor de sí, y toma lo que la vida, o la otra persona tiene para dar, puede seguir su camino en paz, sabiendo que el contacto ha sido posible, y que algo bueno saldrá de ello. Y fundamentalmente, podemos dejar que el otro también se vaya en paz... sin reclamos, sin culpas, sin rencores...

Cada segundo puede ser una eternidad... de hecho, la Eternidad, no es más que una sucesión de instantes...

Desconozco su autor

Saturday, January 01, 2005


This time, I want to say something about a thought that roams within my mind trying to find an answer.

Does coincidence really exist? I have read and I believe that nothing in life happens by coincidence. I think that everything that happens around us happens because we need to learn something from it, that we attract the circumstances, that our thoughts are like magnets, but most of the times we are not aware of it.

Our thoughts make the basement of what our life is. First there’s a thought in our mind with the potential to become a word. When we express these thoughts as words, other people grasp the idea of what we are and what we think. Then we act according to what we honestly say from our heart, be it good or bad, and these thoughts become actions, which lead us to be in certain circumstances that determine the life we live.

We are what we think.

This way we meet people that think like us and some that doesn’t. As we start to build relations, we also start interconnecting with each other and things happen. When we are able to preceive the sincronicity between these events, we are developing a more counscious state of mind that may help us understand the purpose of our lives. This comes from what we call coincidence.

This things I’m thinking are just that: my thoughts. I’d love to know what other people think about the matter.

Warning! Next Tsunami

+What is a mega-tsunami?
A mega-tsunami is simply a gigantic wave, one big enough to cross oceans and destroy cities. They can be thousands of feet high moving at supersonic speeds. They can be caused by huge meteors crashing into the ocean, or by massive landslides. No boat or building hit by a mega tsunami could survive. But now scientists believe that we could be sitting on a time bomb, that sooner or later one will destroy New York, Boston and Miami, and that nothing could stop it.

+When was the biggest tsunami?
The largest tsunami in recorded history was in Lituya Bay, Canada, 1958. An earthquake measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale caused 40 million cubic metres of rock to fall into the sea. A wave more than half a kilometre high was created that surged through the bay devastating all in its path. This was not even a mega-tsunami, by these standards it was tiny, but it did show scientists what sort of wave a small landslide could cause. But what would be the effect of a big one?

+Where have mega tsunamis occurred in the past?
Scientists hunted that world for sites that could potentially cause a mega tsunami. They discovered that at least eleven mega tsunamis had happened in the last 200,000 years, caused by island collapses in the Hawaiian and Canary islands.

+Where is one likely to occur in the future?
The island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands off the coast of North Africa, was discovered to be in great danger of collapsing. The island is volcanic and during an eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in 1949 part of the island slipped a few metres into the sea before stopping. Another eruption could cause the western flank of the island to collapse in the Atlantic Ocean.

+When will it happen?
No one knows. It will happen during an eruption of Cumbre Vieja. It is an active volcano, last erupting in 1949. However the next eruption may not destroy the island, the next 10 may not. Only on thing is certain - one-day an incredible force will surge through the Atlantic Ocean.
How big would it be?It would be far bigger than any wave ever seen for thousands of years. 500 billion tonnes of rock are waiting to collapse into the ocean at terrific speed. The collapse would create nearly 5,000,000,000,000,000 (5 thousand trillion) joules of kinetic energy, which would be converted into a colossal wave 900 metres high with awesome speed - within ten minutes it would have moved 250 kilometres. The landslide would continue to move underwater, powering the wave as it goes.

+What damage would it cause?
No coastline in the North Atlantic would be spared. Britain, France, Spain and Portugal would all be badly hit North Africa would be hit by 100 metre waves, but the main wave would travel west. It would storm across the Atlantic in hours, hitting the Caribbean and Brazil badly. However, the real damage would be to the East coast of the USA.

By the time it had travelled the 4000 miles to America the wave would be lower and wider. It would now be just 50 metres high but many kilometres long, allowing it to sweep up to 20 miles in land, destroying everything in its path. Boston, New York and Miami would virtually be wiped off the map. Skyscrapers would be bulldozed as if they weren't there. Bridges would be ripped from their foundations. And virtually every human in these cities would be killed.

There would be indirect consequences around the world. The events of the 11 September wiped millions off stock markets around the world. What would be the effects of the destruction of not only the rest of New York, but also the rest of the East Coast on the world's economies?

+How can we stop it?
Put simply, we can't. We have no technology that can stop a volcano erupting, no support that can hold 500 billion tonnes of rock and no barrier that can stop a wave moving at 500 miles per hour. All we can do is evacuate.

But can we evacuate tens of millions of people with just a few hours notice? Unless evacuation plans were incredibly well thought out, no. Imagine New York's grid locked streets trying to cope with every person in the city on them. The alternative is evacuating when the volcano starts to erupt, possibly giving a few weeks warning. However, the island may not collapse on the next eruption, or even the next ten. Would we risk evacuating millions of people on the off chance? Could we risk not to?

*Taken from

La gente que vamos conociendo

Algunas veces, las personas llegan a nuestras vidas y rápidamente nos damos cuenta de que esto pasa porque debe de ser así, para servir un propósito, para enseñar una lección, para descubrir quienes somos en realidad, para enseñarnos lo que deseamos alcanzar.

Tú no sabes quiénes son estas personas, pero cuando fijas tus ojos en ellas, sabes y comprendes que afectarán tu vida de una manera profunda.

Algunas veces te pasan cosas que parecen horribles, dolorosas e injustas, pero en realidad entiendes que si no superas estas cosas nunca habrías realizado tu potencial, tu fuerza, o el poder de tu corazón.

Todo pasa por una razón en la vida. Nada sucede por casualidad o por la suerte... Enfermedades, heridas, el amor, momentos perdidos de grandeza o de puras tonterías, todo ocurre para probar los límites de tu alma.

Sin estas pequeñas pruebas la vida sería como una carretera recién pavimentada, suave y lisa. Una carretera directa sin rumbo a ningún lugar, plana, cómoda y segura, más empañada y sin razón.

La gente que conoces afecta tu vida; las caídas y los triunfos que tú experimentas crean la persona que eres.

Inclusive se puede aprender de las malas experiencias.

Es más, quizás sean las más significativas en nuestras vidas.

Si alguien te hiere, te traiciona o rompe tu corazón, le das las gracias porque te ha enseñado la importancia de perdonar, de dar confianza y de tener más cuidado de a quien le abres tu corazón.

Si alguien te ama, ámalo tu también no porque él o ella te ame, sino porque te han enseñado a amar y a abrir tu corazón y tus ojos a las cosas pequeñas de la vida.

Haz que cada día cuente y aprecia cada momento, además de aprender de todo lo que puedas, porque quizás más adelante no tengas la oportunidad de aprender lo que tienes que aprender de este momento.

Entabla una conversación con gente con quien no hayas dialogado nunca, escúchalos y presta atención.

Permítete enamorarte, liberarte y poner tu vista en un lugar bien alto.

Mantén tu cabeza en alto porque tienes todo el derecho de hacerlo. Repítete a ti mismo que eres un individuo magnífico y créelo; si no crees en ti mismo nadie más lo hará tampoco.

Crea tu propia vida, encuéntrala y luego vívela... No olvides que Dios tiene un plan maravilloso para cada uno de nosotros, y debemos aprender a descubrirlo.

Autor desconocido